Monday, January 30, 2012

Uncle William and Auntie Ashton come to visit and Elliott is a month old!

Where has this last month gone?!  My brother William and his wife Ashton stopped by for a visit this weekend.  I think Ashton could have held him the entire time!  I took full advantage and had her get a few pictures if us as a family.
 Ashton, Elliott and Bear.
William with Elliott.  If you look close, you can see big brother Bear staying close keeping a close eye on Elliott.

 Blu checking out the camera.
 Blu giving Elliott a kiss.
 No more pictures or you are going to have a piece of this!
 Bear checking on an upset Elliott.

More family meet Elliott.

Great Grandma, Great Grandpa Elliott, came to meet their newest great grandson that was named after them.  Dary's brother and family came with.
 Dary and Elliott chilling on the couch.
 Greatgrandpa admiring his great grandson and his "strong" name!  And he said he wasn't going to hold such a small baby.
 Greatgrandpa and Greatgrandma with Elliott.
Derek, Sarah and Cass.  Cass was very interested in her little cousin.  I think it was a hint to Derek and Sarah that she is after a little brother or sister.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Elliott William Burnett

Elliott William Burnett was born Dec. 28th, 2011 at 3:46 pm weighing 7 pounds, 8 ounces and 19 inches in long at the Shawnee Mission Medical Center.  Very quick delivery. 
Our first diaper change with Elliott, involved him soaking his bassinet, showering over his shoulder!  He initiatiated us quite early into parenthood!
We all checked out and were good to go home on Friday.  The boys (Bear and Blu) were excited to see us come home and very curious to what we had brought home with us.
 Blu and I the night of the 27th right before going to the hospital.
 Bear and I the night of the 27th right before going to the hospital.
The family of four before we are a family of five!

Proud but tired Mom.
 Proud Papa!
 Umm... I don't like the flash!
 Our little Christmas gift!
 He loves his hands!
 Our little rocker!
 Just chillin'.
 Cute little toes.
 Yeah, I'm cool!
 Go Pokes!
I-L-L-I-N-I !!!!!
But I don't like to be swaddled.  I like to be free!!!!!!