Monday, April 16, 2012

April showers bring... blowouts!

I think this is the first time I've been back here since I have started back to work.  Let's just say we have learned to attempt a routine, but Elliott gets the final say.  He seems to really like Angie at Day Care.  One of the little ones calls him Ellian... Or is he saying Alien?  I just think Elliott must be a tough name for little Cooper.  We are excited to become part of Angie's Day Care family.  
Last week, right at 3.5 months old, Elliott started on a little formula.  Fenugreek and water just doesn't seem to help Mom enough to keep up with Elliott's request of "more milk, please".  Hence the title, blowouts!  I have learned that Shout actually does work if applied after a nice rinse of the aftermath.  No, I never thought I would ever be sharing my son's blowouts with our extended family and friends.  On a brighter note, Elliott rolled over for the first time on Easter  Day.  He is only rolling over on his left side for now.  He has been rolling over on his side at night and the crib isn't near as big as it used to be.
This is the first time that we noticed he rolled on his side.
Elliott is starting check out everything these days.
 This is my favorite picture of the month.  Him in his bibs!  After a hard day at work, I go to see this little rascal that just looks up ad gives you that big smile with a squirm!  Greatest moment of the day!
 Elliott and Dad!  Elliott is just like his father... Loves to watch golf!  I think it is the green grass and monotonous  voice.  He also loves to watch basketball, I say it's just the bright colors!  Who am I kidding, he is going to like to watch sports!  To the point he pays attention to the screen and then gets fussy when commercials come on.  Really?  I have a mini Dary on my hands.
 Elliott loves to nap with Dad.
 Here is a close second for favorite picture of the month.
 Thankfully Elliott is starting to enjoy baths.  Mom is still struggling getting all of the creases clean.
 Happy Easter!  Elliott posing with his Easter basket and bunny from Angie.
 Elliott is getting much stronger.  We are working on spending some time in the Bumbo seat.  Bear here to help and make sure all is good!
Elliott is grabbing everything he can wrap his little fingers around.  He doesn't seem to have much interest in the pacifier, but sure does love to put his fingers/hand in his mouth.  About a week ago he graduated up to 3-6 month clothes and into size 2 diapers, along with the introduction of formula.  He's growing up so fast.  Next thing I know, I will be telling him to stop chasing the dogs.
I have few videos that I want to upload, but I'll add that to my never ending to do list.

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